Inflammation of bone and cartilage tissue is a pressing problem for people living in modern society all over the world. Recently, the most frequently diagnosed disease of this type has become arthrosis of the ankle joint.
Over time, the progression of the disease can lead to the limitation or complete loss of motor activity of the lower limbs, which often leads to extremely negative consequences - disability.
The severity of the consequences makes it important to understand the causes, as well as to know the symptoms and treatment features of osteoarthritis of the ankle.
Ankle arthrosis - what is it?
Osteoarthritis of the ankle jointis a disease, the progression of which is accompanied by the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint of the lower limbs, as well as the adjacent bones.
It should also be noted that osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is characterized by a chronic character and a wavy course (systematic periods of exacerbation followed by remission).
The disease is characteristic mainly of people of the older generation, but recently it is becoming more common in the situation when arthrosis is diagnosed in people under 45 years of age. According to statistical data, 6% of applicants experience destruction of ankle cartilage tissue.
A timely diagnosis of ankle arthrosis and a well-defined treatment plan can completely cure the disease.
The main causes and principles of progression of osteoarthritis of the ankle
Arthrosis of the ankle joint is a special disease that can be a primary phenomenon, or it can be secondary, in which the disease progresses after damage or inflammation.
Regardless of the type, arthrosis is mainly manifested in conditions of disruption of the natural processes taking place inside the articular cartilage.
Taking into account the main factors of the development of the disease, it is worth noting:
- microtraumas, as well as major injuries of the ankle joint;
- excess body weight;
- performing an operation on the joint;
- Improperly selected shoes, abuse of high heels;
- excessive physical activity;
- metabolic disorders caused by various diseases (gout, hormonal imbalance);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- genetic predisposition;
- Bad ecology.
Under the conditions of normal metabolic processes, superficial articular tissues are characterized by smoothness and elasticity, which ensures smooth gliding during movement.
When the joint is damaged or the metabolic processes are disrupted, the smoothness and elasticity of the tissues are lost, which causes friction and significantly worsens the results.
Types and degrees of ankle osteoarthritis
Today, two types of arthrosis localized in the ankle joint are usually distinguished:
- Primary- development of pathological processes directly on healthy cartilaginous tissues;
- secondary (post-traumatic)- Degenerative processes that occur during the development of various diseases/injuries.
In addition, modern medicine also distinguishes several degrees of degenerative disease:
Arthrosis of the ankle joint of the 1st degree- the first stage of disease development, which is accompanied by a clear manifestation of symptoms. Patients complain mainly of symptoms such as:
- increased fatigue;
- foot ache.
Pathological processes are practically invisible during diagnostic procedures, which complicates the process of identifying the disease.
Arthrosis of the ankle joint 2 degrees- Manifested by severe pain, which disturbs healthy sleep of patients.
Visual signs of the disease appear. Inflammation of the joint becomes visually noticeable: there is a local change in the color of the skin (redness), as well as an increase in its temperature. In addition, swelling begins, movements are limited.
Arthrosis of the 3rd degree of the ankle joint- is accompanied by pronounced discomfort and severe aching pain, which is a sign of the beginning of the transformation of cartilage into bone tissue.
Joint mobility is limited or completely lost. The movements of the joints are convulsive.
In the later stages of the disease, the lack of necessary treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint inevitably leads to the loss of working capacity and getting the status of "disabled".
Symptoms of ankle arthrosis
Before we understand how and how to treat osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, it is important to identify its symptoms.
Considering the clinical picture of the disease, it can be noted that the main symptoms of localized arthrosis in the ankle joint are increased fatigue and severe pain. As the disease progresses, the condition worsens, causing pain that does not go away even with rest and long sleep.
Over time, the motor activity of the damaged joint is significantly limited, and quite severe deformation of the ankle is visually visible. However, in addition to this, the symptoms of ankle arthrosis include:
- increased pain even with little effort;
- discoloration of the skin and swelling of the damaged joint tissues;
- Swelling of the leg
- characteristic cramp when moving the joint;
- loss of ability to move the ankle freely;
- Local increase in temperature indicators.
The presence of only a few or even one symptom of ankle arthrosis should be a reason to seek qualified medical help immediately.
Which doctor should I consult and how should I treat arthrosis of the ankle joint?
Doctors such as orthopedic traumatologists and rheumatologists treat ankle osteoarthritis. If you suspect the presence of any disease, you should refrain from self-medication. Ignoring symptomatic manifestations can worsen degenerative processes and lead to extremely negative consequences.
Arthrosis of the 1st and 2nd degree of the ankle joint can be successfully treated. For this reason, when the first signs appear, it is important to contact your local doctor, who will refer you to a specialist for diagnosis.
Despite the complexity of the situation, grade 3 ankle arthrosis is also treatable, but radical measures are generally used.
Today, various methods are used to treat ankle arthrosis, including non-medical therapy and medications.
Let's take a closer look at the available methods.
Physiotherapy in ankle osteoarthritis
PhysiotherapyIt is a unique field of modern medicine that uses both natural and artificially created physical capabilities for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
The use of physiotherapy as a treatment for ankle osteoarthritis makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount or completely eliminate the use of medication.
Physiotherapy methods significantly improve blood circulation in the affected joint, which ensures the activation and acceleration of the recovery processes within the ankle.
The following are used to treat ankle osteoarthritis:
- laser irradiation;
- the influence of ultrasound;
- Electrical stimulation.
Treatment of ankle arthrosis is determined according to the symptoms and the intensity of the disease.
Massage and ankle arthrosis
MassageIt is a complex of mechanical and reflex techniques, the use of which ensures increased blood circulation, which significantly accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the ankle with massage, in addition to reducing the progression of the disease, helps to prevent the possibility of its exacerbation.
Only a specialist who knows the structural characteristics of the joints can perform a therapeutic massage for arthrosis of the ankle joint. It is important to note that the duration of the massage should be at least 25 minutes.
The use of massage in combination with exercises for arthrosis of the ankle joint provides the most effective results in a relatively short time.
Exercises and exercise therapy in ankle arthrosis
Despite the fact that many people think that physical therapy for arthrosis (physical therapy) is ineffective, physical activity is the key to getting rid of the hated pain and significantly improving well-being.
Correctly selected exercises for arthrosis of the ankle joint lead to:
- eliminating the feeling of stiffness when walking;
- activation of blood circulation in the internal tissues of the joint;
- slowing down, and in some cases completely stopping the course of the disease;
- Restoration, improvement of quality of life.
It is important to note that exercises for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint are selected exclusively in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.
Surgical intervention in osteoarthritis of the ankle joint
In the situation when the conservative treatment of ankle osteoarthritis does not give the desired result, a more radical method of eliminating the disease - surgery - comes to the rescue.
Today, the following types of surgical intervention are possible:
- Endoprosthesis– total ankle replacement;
- Arthroscopy- elimination of excessive formations inside the ankle;
- Arthrodesis- Immobilization of the ankle by preserving the remains of the cartilage.
Surgery belongs to the methods of the last method of treatment of arthrosis of the ankle. A timely diagnosis and a well-structured treatment plan can prevent the need for radical measures.
In order to consolidate the postoperative result and accelerate joint recovery, specialists prescribe a set of exercises for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint.
Treatment of ankle arthrosis with drugs
Drug treatment of ankle arthrosis is a part of complex therapy, which provides an opportunity to remove unpleasant symptoms and stop degenerative changes.
How to treat arthrosis of the ankle joint is determined only by a specialist who knows the characteristics of the diagnosed disease. Self-medication with drugs can cause irreparable damage to the body.
All drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint are divided into several groups, each of which differs not only in the principles of action, but also in the degree of effectiveness.
Let's look at some of them in more detail.
Anti-inflammatory and pain relievers
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint at different stages of the development of the disease.
The main direction of this type of action is to relieve pain and remove joint inflammation.
Today, the medicine market offers anti-inflammatory and painkillers not only in the form of gels and ointments, but also in the form of tablets, patches and injections.
Antispasmodics - muscle relaxants
Treatment for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, such as antispasmodics and muscle relaxants, is prescribed as an active aid in combating spasms of the muscles surrounding the affected joints.
Antispasmodics provide muscle relaxation and pain relief. .
Chondroprotectoris a treatment for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, which provides stimulation of the production of a sufficient amount of intra-articular fluid, which ensures accelerated tissue regeneration and saturation with necessary vitamins and minerals.
Possible complications
In the absence of comprehensive treatment of ankle arthrosis, the probability of complete recovery is reduced to almost zero.
Self-medication and ignoring the symptoms of the disease inevitably lead to limb immobilization and disability.
In the presence of symptoms and insufficient treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint, the progression of destructive processes leads to the formation of osteophytes (growth on bone tissue), which negatively affects the quality of human life.
Constant swelling of the tissues of the damaged joint can also lead to the development of pathological processes in blood vessels, in particular, deterioration of blood circulation, blood flow disorders.
Long-term destructive processes in the joint lead to immobilization of the ankle, which increases the risk of concomitant diseases and injuries.
Basic principles of dietary nutrition for ankle arthrosis
According to many studies, it has been noted that arthrosis mainly occurs in people who do not follow a diet.
Adhering to a diet and taking into account certain nutritional principles accelerates the treatment of many diseases, in particular arthrosis.
The main principle of nutrition in arthrosis is balance. In addition, such criteria as:
- regularity of food;
- A variety of food products;
- Correspondence between nutritional value and intensity of energy expenditure.
During the treatment and rehabilitation period, the patient's diet should mainly consist of dishes prepared using gelatin. In addition, it is important to give preference to foods enriched with vitamins of various groups and other useful microelements.
It is also recommended to avoid drinking sugary fizzy drinks and alcohol to speed up your recovery.
Prevention of ankle osteoarthritis
It is the best treatment for ankle osteoarthritisPrevention.
In order to reduce or completely eliminate the likelihood of degenerative-dystrophic processes of the ankle, world experts recommend following the simplest principles:
- constant monitoring of diet;
- tracking and control of optimal body weight;
- Caution and prevention of lower limb injuries;
- allocating enough time for a good warm-up before physical activity;
- timely treatment of inflammatory diseases;
- Maintaining the optimal balance of microelements in the body.
Following the simplest preventive recommendations will eliminate the likelihood of ankle arthrosis symptoms and limit the need for treatment of this type of disease.
Remember, when observing the initial symptoms of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, consulting a doctor is a guarantee of its timely diagnosis and quality, successful treatment.