Unpleasant sensations under the shoulder blade on the left side - what is it and how to treat it?

Sometimes we experience discomfort in the back on the left side. These can be pains of different nature - pulling, stabbing, aching. They may be accompanied by additional symptoms. Pain under the left shoulder is usually not the only symptom. This is one of the symptoms of any disease. All complaints and symptoms together will help the doctor to choose the direction of diagnosis. After all, urgent help is often needed.

anatomical structure of the body

If we visualize our body from the back, we will see that the left shoulder blade is located on the ribs involved in the formation of the chest. Between the ribs are nerves and blood vessels. They are connected by muscle fibers.

Scapula performs the protective function of internal organs - heart, lungs, stomach and pancreas, spleen.

Depending on the anatomical structure of the body, pain under the left shoulder blade can be conventionally divided into:

  • associated with pathology of the musculoskeletal system,
  • It is associated with the pathology of any internal organ.
Body structure and pain under the left shoulder

Why is there discomfort on the left side?

Many of us, with the appearance of pain on the left side, first consider problems in the work of the heart. In fact, more often the cause is a problem with the spine. There may also be malfunctions in the work of internal organs.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain under the left shoulder blade. They can occur when:

  • Problems related to the spine and support system: osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, scapular injuries, rib fractures, myofascial syndrome, Sprengel's disease.
  • Diseases of the bronchi and lungs: pneumonia, localized left, dry pleurisy, bronchitis in the acute stage of the course, tracheitis, left lung abscess.
  • Diseases of the cardiological system: angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attack, valve prolapse.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines: stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastroesophagitis, reflux, esophageal spasm.
  • Psychosomatic course of the disease with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The relationship between pain and disease

Patients can describe the nature of pain from pain to cutting and burning. There are several typical signs of pain that distinguish them from other diseases:

Name of the disease the pain that characterizes it
Heart diseases The pain in the left shoulder region is of a burning nature, causes a feeling of compression of the retrosternal space. Appears in the same place, moves to the left side - back, shoulder blade, arm. Pressing, as if squeezing the pain of the heart, it is possible to spread myocardial infarction. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary.
Aortic aneurysm The pain is sharp, shooting, increasing, goes to the left back and under the shoulder. The condition develops rapidly and threatens the patient's life.
Pleurisy The pain is sharp and sharp, depending on the size of the breath. In a calm state, it is possible to feel a tingling sensation, when inhaling with a full chest, a piercing pain appears in the scrotum.
Left-sided pneumonia The pain is not strong, it hurts, it can be characterized as a point. May be slightly increased by movement and deep inspiration.
Osteochondrosis of the spine Most often, the pain is localized at the bottom of the neck. It is manifested by painful sensations, aggravated by sharp movement of the head. He can drop his hand, be accompanied by head spinning, numbness of the limb. The pain under the scapula is weak, aching and pulling, the pain may increase after sitting for a long time or after physical exertion. Usually this happens in the evening. In the morning, the stiffness of the back muscles is felt. Unlike heart pain, it doesn't go away with medication. There may be a severe headache that does not depend on pressure.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers in the stomach and intestines Pain in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be seasonal with attacks. Pain syndrome can occur due to prolonged hunger, immediately after eating, several hours after eating, at night. The pain disappears after satisfying hunger, food leaving the stomach, vomiting or taking medication. When the ulcer is perforated, the pain radiates under the left shoulder blade, it is sharp and unbearable. If you suspect this disease, you should go to the hospital immediately. At the beginning of the development of the disease, the pain may decrease after vomiting. Symptoms associated with reflux esophagitis will include heartburn, chills, and indigestion.
Intercostal neuralgia Sharp shooting or girdle pain is felt constantly or during attacks. It can happen on one side. Increases during sudden movements - sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, walking, physical exertion, palpation of the painful area.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia and myofascial syndrome In myofascial syndrome, the pain is dull, coming from deep within the tissues. This can happen both during rest and during physical activity. It can vary in intensity from mild to severe. Objectively, during examination, patients with VVD have irritability, memory loss, sweating, tachycardia, and hand tremors. There are often changes in the heart muscle. The nature of pain is similar to heartache. But heart examination does not confirm the diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease that caused the pain syndrome

Massage during pain under the left shoulder blade

To find out what is causing the pain, a detailed examination is required. First of all, you need to consult a therapist or doctor. Based on complaints and examination of the patient, he will determine what kind of research is needed.

The initial stage of treatment, if the pain radiates to the left shoulder blade, should be a visit to a local therapist. He will be able to conduct an initial examination and appoint all necessary examinations. With already existing research, you can go to consultation with narrow specialists.

The doctor will not be able to diagnose the disease only by complaints of pain syndrome. Complaints will be a stimulus in the direction where a more thorough diagnosis is needed. Therefore, when contacting the doctor, it is necessary to know exactly the answers to the questions about the nature of the pain, its localization and accompanying causes - the connection with food intake, physical and emotional stress.

If myositis is suspected in a patient, a detailed blood analysis should be performed to confirm the inflammatory process.

For a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a set of examinations.

The first task is to rule out conditions that require immediate medical attention. These are: stomach and duodenal ulcer, heart attack, aortic rupture.

To find out what hurts under your left shoulder, you should undergo the following tests:

  • Visual examination and palpation of pain localization. Temperature, blood pressure and pulse will be measured.
  • X-ray in several projections to confirm or deny spine and lung problems.
  • EKG to check heart function.
  • You may need a CT scan or MRI to find out the location of the problem with the spine.
  • If gastrointestinal problems are suspected, FGS can be prescribed - fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  • General and biochemical blood tests.

For some types of pain, first aid can be provided with painkillers and antispasmodics. But taking them does not eliminate the cause, but only suppresses the pain from the left under the shoulder blade, which, after the drug is finished, will definitely return again. In order to prevent the recurrence of pain, it is necessary to determine its cause.

In any case, if your left shoulder blade hurts, after the first signs of pain stop, it is necessary to undergo a full course of examinations. After all, often the source of pain that radiates to the shoulder blade can be located in another place. Therefore, when a pain syndrome appears in the scapula area, it is necessary to visit: a therapist, a neurologist, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, a traumatologist, all of the listed specialists excluding pathology. , it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Treatment of the disease that caused the pain syndrome

Back examination for pain under the left shoulder blade

The purpose of treatment will depend on the diagnosis of the disease. There is a special treatment regimen for each specific disease. They definitely contain recommendations on physical activity and diet. The medication regimen is described in detail. They are combined according to symptoms and complaints to relieve acute symptoms that threaten the patient's life.

In any case, you should remember that the pain in the left shoulder blade can be relieved only with medications recommended by a specialist. Do not take advice from relatives and friends. After all, without medical help, it is difficult to determine the nature of the pain. Self-medication can lead to delays in heart or stomach pathologies.

  • For example, in the case of reflux after the examination, drugs can be prescribed to reduce the acidity of the stomach, to facilitate its movement in the intestines. In this case, it is worth limiting the amount of food consumed, you should not lean after eating.
  • In osteochondrosis, physical therapy exercises, swimming, dry heat and increased physical activity can be prescribed as medical procedures. All these measures are used as a prophylaxis after the reduction of pain.
  • If there is a diagnosis of ischemia, heart medication should be taken initially. If the pain in the left shoulder tip does not disappear after 10 minutes, you should call an ambulance.
  • If there are problems related to the cardiovascular system, the best prevention is the constant intake of necessary medicines, diet, mental stability and not excessive physical exertion.
  • If back pain occurs due to spine problems, it is necessary to perform a set of special exercises for a long time and follow the recommendations of specialists when taking medications.
  • If the pain under the shoulder blade on the left side is related to problems with the stomach and intestines, diet and medication will help you cope. In this case, psycho-emotional balance is important, because stress often causes ulcers. It is necessary to have a positive attitude and master relaxation and relaxation techniques.

In the absence of a result of conservative treatment, as well as when a perforated ulcer, a large hernia of the spine, rupture of the spleen, surgical intervention is required.

In principle, to prevent serious health problems, an annual dispensary examination is necessary. It is necessary to undergo the necessary examinations in order to rule out the occurrence of the disease in the near future.