Cervical back pain: symptoms and treatment

Treatment in the acute degenerative disc disease is carried out under the supervision of a physician, keeping appointments.

The treatment of acute cervical degenerative disc disease.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical

During the acute your doctor tells you to stop the exercise. Allowed to swim with the condition, that after the pool sick warmth clothed

It is important not to supercool. With the warmth have to be careful

Active heat (hot water bottles, warm procedures) will increase the pain. Stay tuned for a sensitive spot was wrapped up warm with a scarf.

Ease the pain location that is located on the side of your drawn up knees. Stand promotes stretching of the spine, relaxation of disadvantaged nerve. When acute, and you can't use the massage. There are easy stroking with the use of pain-relieving ointments, gels. After handling a sensitive point it is worth wrap, to give the patient to sleep.

The period of exacerbation of degenerative disc disease lasts 3 – 5 days. Depends on the severity of the disease, the number of patients of the vertebrae, the age of the patient, the compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. After the recession of the pain, you will need to start moving. But gradually, not supercool.

Why the disease is escalating

It should be noted that the process of degradation is not dependent on the stage, can arise in any of them, from the municipal up to the last. Deterioration always precede reason. The main list looks like.

  1. The patient makes sudden movements.
  2. In the cervical zone become excessive load.
  3. Happened to weight lifting, or a permanent move.
  4. The patient is in a state of stress or state, when they are nervous.
  5. Produced not a massage expert. Whether the expert knew of the presence of the patient's degenerative disc disease, because she wasn't warned.
  6. The observed intense fluctuations of weather conditions.
  7. The patient received hypothermia throughout the body or zastudil of the cervical zone.
  8. After the bath or sauna patient dipped into a hole or just cold water.
  9. The age of the patient is important, in which the intervertebral discs become weakened and damaged due to age wear and tear.
osteochondrosis spinal segments

If not treated osteochondrosis, at whatever stage, and if it is, a deterioration in there is necessarily, sooner or later. The symptoms of acute degenerative disc disease neck, you need to know and understand diversification from the signs and other vertebrate diseases.

The symptoms of acute

Brightness the severity of symptoms depends on the stage of pathologists and the degree of evolution of.

The list is the following.

  1. Pain in the area of the crown.
  2. Reduction of skin sensitivity of the wall of the area.
  3. The pain from one side of the neck.
  4. Pain in collarbone and shoulder.
  5. The severity of the language.
  6. Vacation with the breath is not smooth.
  7. Pain in cardiac region.
  8. Painful symptoms in the right hypochondrium.
  9. Headaches with pressure in eyes, or blind headache only in one place.
  10. Critical moment, which comes in the cervical region of the back during exercise tilt, head nod, or turning.
  11. Fog in the eyes, spots or points, hearing disorders and ringing in the ear.
  12. Pain and weakening of the muscles in the hands, until the brush.

In these symptoms it is hard not to pay attention, and yet it is the patients, even in the current situation do not hasten to visit your doctor, and try to help yourself through pets


In the work of the diet in osteochondrosis. included:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • notice deposits of salts in the spine?
  • restoration of the damaged cartilage structures?
  • strengthening of the ligaments intervertebral disc?
  • reduction of excess weight and prevention of obesity. It is well known that excess weight increases pressure on the spine and causes the development of degenerative disc disease, therefore, patients with the disease often diagnosed with obesity.
pain in the neck area

Dietary food should be selected by the treating physician, depending on the presence/absence of relevant diseases. Single diet in osteochondrosis. no.

On the basis of the therapeutic diet in the cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis. for patients who have a normal body weight, there may be a Diet no 15, which contains all the necessary macronutrients, minerals and an increased amount of cheques/water-soluble vitamins, carbohydrates. Energy value of the diet at the level of 2600-2700 calories (85-90 g protein, 90 to 95 g of fats and 350-400 grams of carbs).

What products need to enter the menu necessary:

  • dairy products (whole milk and dairy products)?
  • vegetable dishes, the greens. Particular emphasis should be given to cabbage, cucumbers, radish, celery, beets?
  • fruit and berry dishes, including jam and compotes;
  • the vegetable oils?
  • low-fat meat?
  • flood dishes, a good lamb stew?
  • dark varieties of bread, dry biscuits, cupcakes?
  • the eggs?
  • nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds?
  • cereal?
  • seafood (fish, shrimp, sea cabbage, mussels);
  • non-carbonated water.

In the diet diet in osteochondrosis. the spine should be excluded:

  • fatty concentrated broth,
  • fatty red meat,
  • refractory animal fats, the bird (duck, goose),
  • coffee and drinks that contain caffeine (strong tea, chocolate).

Limit the consumption of sweet products and alkogolsoderzhaschih drinks.

The causes and symptoms of deterioration of the cervical degenerative disc disease.

Back pain — pathology spinal parts of the skeleton. When presented disorders of the intervertebral disc degenerative and degenerative in nature. Deviation affects the fabric of the vertebrae, spreading the disease.

  • The VBN in the context of cervical degenerative disc disease: treatment
  • Acupuncture when osteochondrosis. cervical spine of the

The average age of onset of the disease — from 30 to 35 years of age. Due to the poor distribution of the load on the spine and legs, or with the word, traumatic injuries deflection can be detected much earlier.

Main indications confirming the development of acute disease:

  1. It is painful, as in the hands, the shoulders, the magazines, arising out of, or a permanent feeling of tension in the back and cervical parts.
  2. Negative dynamics of degenerative disc disease is accompanied atrophic phenomena in the tissues of muscles, oscillation of sensation, abnormalities in the work of the institutions because of the contraction and displacement.
  3. Pain in the head, dizziness, frequent fatigue, discomfort in the hands.
  4. Stiffness, weakness, gradients, speed, activated, numbness of limb, discomfort in the muscles and joints, cramps, hypotension.
  5. Flies and spot in the eyes, tinnitus.

I made on time treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease can pass into the phase with severe exacerbations. The treatment in this stage should be a doctor.

Causes of deviations in the spine:

  1. Wrong download weight spine position — sock bags, hand baggage constantly on one shoulder or with one hand.
  2. Twisted posture in a seated situation.
  3. Very soft mattress, good pillow for sleeping.
  4. Wearing shoes on the wrong anatomical structure, narrow, pressing, high heels, cause strain of the muscles and the exacerbation of diseases of the spine, osteoarthritis of the cervical part of the.
  5. The lack of exercise, excess weight, traumatic damage to parts of the back, feet, flat feet.
  6. Age degeneration due to reduced blood supply of the vertebral column.
  7. Physical exhaustion, seizures, neuro-emotional system.
  8. Disturbed metabolism, diseases of stomach, intestine, accompanied by defective assimilation of nutrients and beneficial substances.
  9. A dangerous profession, work in places with strong vibration.
  10. The existence of a genetic predisposition for cervical osteochondrosis. with exacerbations.
  11. The non-observance of rules of hygiene posture during the period of active growth, scoliosis.
  12. The dehydration of the body for a long period of time. Irregular, unbalanced diet, lack of b vitamins.
  13. The displacement of the centre of loads, that occur during pregnancy, when under-developed muscle frame.

Deterioration caused by a seasonal effect, a way of life, can happen in an unspecified time.


For it was proper and complete treatment should contact with your doctor. He will set the effective examination to find the cause of the disease. Prescribe medication, treatments, massage, therapeutic gymnastics.

When acute and appoint the following medications:

  • analgesics
  • chondroprotectors used for a long period of time and in order to restore cartilage fabric?
  • muscle relaxants help to remove muscle spasm;
  • a nootropic drugs
  • vasodilator through
  • vitamins D

Treatment can be performed, such as at home, so hospital. It all depends on how strong the symptoms and what complications. Resolution is only one expert. The doctor may send you to the point of massage treatments and so on. If you do not follow the recommendations of the special, then this will lead to serious consequences.

You need to make in your diet dairy products, lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, fish

Particular attention should be given to the food that contains the gel, it is often a good lamb stew. The olive oil should be use for salads

Better to eat a food that is cooked steamed, boiled and grilled. To resign from salty, spicy, fatty, smoked foods. Don't drink strong coffee, tea, and to give up carbonated sweet water.

Massage well will help to remove the muscle tension and normalize blood. But it's worth it in period of exacerbation of degenerative disc disease makes it very gently and to run this should be only a professional masseur.

If the patient is observed a strong sense of pain, then you need to stick to bed rest. There are cases, where the patient is not even allowed to get up. But it can last for more than three weeks, as the muscles can atrophy. If the man felt an improvement, then you may get up, but maximum ten minutes a day. We must do everything as the doctor says, otherwise it may lead to serious complications.

massage neck osteohondroz


Much easier to avoid the aggravation of degenerative disc disease of the department. And it is in the hand of every man who cares for the health. Not there was an aggravation of degenerative disc disease, you need to follow the simple rules.

We need to go further, why the pathology occurs in people who sit a lot. Therefore, have emerged congestion and disturbances of blood flow. Should regularly do hiking and walking in the gym. This will help prevent the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease.

You don't need to sit in the drafts, because the vertebral column is able to purify. From this hurt and the chest section, and the lumbar. It is recommended that a warmer dress for the winter, this depends on the health of man. It is possible, you don't need to be out in the cold, if you don't want to hurt you.

When there is extra weight, to get rid of obesity. For this to happen is not always as simple as we would like people. You have to sit on a diet and to go to the gym. You don't need to choose fatty foods and the passive way of life, while sacrificing the health.

It should also be noted that it is extremely important to sleep. This is what you need to buy the mattress and pillow

It will keep the spine and neck in the correct position during sleep. As is well known, due to properly selected sleeping accessories often appear in problems of the vertebrae. Therefore, you don't need to save money on residential properties, and then the health will be much better.

The man himself can affect something, to the degradation didn't happen. For this, you only need is to follow the simple advice and not to forget health. Also, you have to go through a complete course of treatment of the disease in the future, to not have to suffer from intense pain.